Sitename | Reason |
NatyClix |
Offline for several days.
NeatClix |
Not paying.
NerdBux |
They have in their ToS: All suspended accounts will e removed few hours after suspended. All accounts not logged in every day or will be terminated. We will not answer support request about suspended or terminated accounts they be marked resolved. They deleted almost all accounts, only 4000 left.
NerdClix |
Offline for more than 2 days. The site is deleted.
NewWaySurf |
NioBux |
Not paying.
Noulinx |
It is not possible to withdraw money.
OjooClix |
They have marked our payment as paid but we havent received anything.
OliveAdverts |
Account suspended after cashout request
OlyBux |
Open23 |
Site stopped to display referral earnings. We cant count refback because of that. Moreover, it is often said on the Internet, that Open23 is a scam site.
OptiBux |
We are waiting for our payment for more than a month.
OwlClix |
They moved our money to Purchase balance.
PaidSpot |
Not paying.
PaidToLogin |
Not paying. They owe us 2 payments already.
PatClix |
Not paying.
Payadoo |
Not paying and offline for few days.
PengarSurf |
The site is closing.
PinglAd |
Offline for many days.
PlanetClix |
PocketClix |
Our payment was moved from pending payments back to balance. Site was paying last on 7th of March 2014 according to their Payment Proofs page.
PointDollars |
The site is offline (blank page).
PouBux |
Offline for many days.
PPCAdSource |
PPLinx |
The site is closing.
Pro-klik |
The site is offline way too long, it does not seem admin wants to do anything about that.
Pro-Klik |
Offline way too long, it does not seem admin wants to do anything with that.
Probux |
ProfitForest |
Offline for several days and is not paying.
PTCClickAds 2 |
Ptcrs |
We have requested our payout to Payza, it was marked as paid, but we have not received anything.
PTCSolution |
The owner, NetAdSolution.com LLC, is closing business. The site is closed down.
PTCStair |
Not paying since 9 March 2015.
PtcX |
Account suspended after cashout request
PVtraffic |
Not paying.
Qbitbux |
Not paying.
QosClix |
Not paying.
Questra |
The project is dead. Not paying.
R4Bux |
Not paying.
RealPTC |
Not paying.
Recyclix |
Forced investment site after 60 days trial, otherwise account is deleted. Cannot login = cannot purchase anything.
Red-AlertBux.com |
Owned by serial scammer Andrei Dumitrache, he owns e.g.: ZonClix, Ptc-Advertisements, ClixBanner, HitzBux, ProtectBux, IncreaseEarning20, GrandClix.net, Bitcoin-Bux, ZapClik, FuseClix, OjooClix, NodBux, IntBux, Offer20, Neo20Bux, BuxSpot, StykBux, LexBux, NeoClk.
RepoBux |
We are waiting for our payment for almost 2 months.
ResonanceCapital |
RevenueBox |
Offline for few days. Their domain expired on 12th of March 2014 and admin still does not seem he wants to renew it.
Revsha |
Offline for several days.
RevshareWorks |
The site is closing. Write support ticket to admin if you bought adpacks, you will get your money back.
RisingTraffic |
Not paying (we are waiting for our payment almost for a month).
RoseClix |
Turned to forced investment site.
RothaBux |
SbsBux |
Site is not paying (admin closed forum because of complaints), site is offline. The site is owned by known scammer Vimal Bhosale.
SilksBux |
We are waiting for our payment since 27th of February and we havent received anything till now.
SilverClix |
Our payment cancelled and money given back to balance.
Sitecoin |
Not paying.
SprizAds |
Not Paying since August 2019
SpyBux |
Its admin was revealed to be a well-known serial scammer and the site is not paying already.
StampBux |
The site is offline.
StartClix |
It was discovered that StartClix admin is a serial scammer.
StefBux |
Account suspended after requesting payout.
SupremeAds |
Not paying, admin not responding.
SweetBux |
Our payment was cancelled and money given back to balance.
SwingBTC |
Broken script, admin thinking about closing the site.
TecnoClix |
Not paying.
TenAdsPro |
The-bux |
We are trying to cashout for several months already without success. Moreover, the site removed all cashout methods.
TheAdsTeam |
Too low earnings, did not pay earned money, admin inactive.
TheBuxer |
Account Deleted
TheClickers |
Login error for few weeks already.
TheClix |
Offline and not paying.
TrafficAdzShare |
Offline for several days.
TrafficBoot |
TrafficDictator |
Offline, impossible to login. Not paying.
TrafficExpressWay |
TrafficHurricane |
The site is not paying or paying selectively. For earnings and payout one must buy upgrade.
TrafficRampage |
Not paying and closed.
TrafficSummitAds |
Too low earnings, did not pay earned money, admin inactive.
TriangleClix |
Not paying.
TrustClix |
Offline for several days.
TwizSales |
UltimateClixx |
Not Paying
UniClix |
Not paying (payment pending since Feb 26, 2016).
UseClix |
ValuedBux |
Raised the payout many times - from $1 to $4 and then to $8. We expect the payout to raise further - the site will never pay.
VelvetClix |
Account deleted for no reason after reaching minimum payout.
VertClix |
Vilvin |
Many sources from the Internet say they are scam.
VirLinx |
Not paying. Offline for too many days without any update.
Visitzen |
Account suspended after requesting cashout.
W3Adz |
To cash out free members must upgrade! Not paying.
Wad.Ojooo |
Not paying/paying selectively.
WarOfClicks |
Not paying.
Weblenis |
Not paying.
WeClikz |
Offline for few days, many complaints on the Internet that they are not paying.
YouGetProfit |
Admin cant solve error at our account: Username is already in use by other member. Registrations will be opened after problem is solved. Admin never solved our problem. That error means account is suspended for no reason.
YourIncomeCenter |
Not paying.
ZapBux |
We have requested payout, they marked it as paid, but we havent received anything till now. They are not answering support tickets.
Zarabiara.pl |
Scam. Not paying. Waiting for payment since December 2016.
ZenAdvert |
Turned to forced investment site.
ZFShare |
The site was closed due to not being able to pay its members. Might be reopened later.
ZiggyAds |
Not paying.